Operating principle
LLW series conveyor discharge screen centrifuge is the one with low eneray consumptionstable performance and good separating effectiveness. The separation processing from feeding to dewatering,cleaning and discharging is continuous with high processing efficiency and high degree of automation. Jt is the advanced separation equipment The feed suspension is introduced to the centrifuge through a feed pipe and into the feed distribution chamber and is jetted into the baske through the hole near the cone point of the convelior.Under centrttugal force the solids filtrate trm the liquid and settle against the basket wall. while the clarified iquid exits over the overflow screen. The solids in the conical basket are conveved up from the smaller end to the bigger end while the convevor turns at a sliahtly diferent speed. The biager diameter is.the biaaer centrifuaal force produces to separate the liquid/solids.The solids are dried when thev are drained out the basket.The washing pipe incorporated in the centrifuge can not only filter the solid cake,but also wash the cake. The thin cake washing achieves qood effects of washing and consumes low amount of washling Jiquid.A steam pipe may be provided on the back of the basket so as to wash the crystattized m als on the back at high temperature Gearbox: cycloidal gearbox,planetary gearbox and hydraulic gearbox so as to suit for separation of different materials.

LLW horizontal screw discharge filter centriuge is widely used in chemical, food,salt, mining,pharmaceutical and other industries.Because oi its separation principle and structural characteristics, it has strong pertinence to materials. lt is mainly suitable for materials with large particle
size and no strict reguirements for particle breakage. Materia ana vsis and corresponding tests should be carried out in order to determine its
applicability and separation performance.We have more than 100 kinds of material application data and successful experience. We can com- municate with our technicians in the selection of materials in order to obtain more detailed information.